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Webster, Massachusetts
Stone Chamber

This stone chamber is located near a small stream on private property in Webster, MA. There has been some repair work to the exterior retaining wall on the left side of the photo otherwise the chamber is in original condition to the best of our knowledge. The layout of the chamber is irregular in shape rather than boxlike. The interior room of the chamber features corbelled to slab roof construction. The transition between passageway and interior room is unusual. Corbelling was used to narrow the width of the passageway near the top to only 8 inches wide.


Passageway leading to interior of the chamber. The roof of the passageway is covered with flat stone slabs.


The passageway is covered flat stone slabs


View of the passageway from the interior room


Entrance to the stone chamber


Layout of the chamber


At the transition from the passageway to the interior room, the top of the passageway narrows to 8 inches. Corbelled stones at the top of the walls were used to narrow it.


The upper section of the side walls of the room are corbelled. This reduced the length of the flat roof stones needed to span the distance between the walls.

Copyright (c) 2005-2008, James E. Gage & Mary E. Gage. All Rights Reserved.