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Danville, New Hampshire
Stone Chamber

Stone Chamber Danville NH

The Danville New Hampshire chamber is open to the public. To get to the chamber take route 111A to Hersey Road. On Hersey Road bear left at the fork in the road. Parking is across the street from DPW facility. Walk along the dirt road until you come to a trail on the left. Follow the trail into the chamber.

The chamber was dug into an embankment and has a mound of earth over it. It is rectangular in shape and measures 7 feet 9 inches long by 4 feet 3 inches wide by 4 feet 3 inches high. Access into the chamber is via a 2 x 3 foot opening. A short 3 foot long entrance leads up to the opening. The roof is formed by two large flat stone slabs. An archaeological excavation was done inside the chamber but no details about the findings from excavation are currently available. The excavation restored the chamber to its original floor level.

Stone Chamber Danville NH

Interior of the chamber looking out of entry.

Stone Chamber Danville NH

Two stone slabs forming roof of the chamber.

Chamber - Danville NH-4



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